Articles 2011

Articles 2011

Articles à comité de lecture publiés par l'équipe "Rendement sous Contrainte Abiotique" en 2011

Dittami S.M., Gravot A., Renault D., Goulitquer S., Eggert A., Bouchereau A., Boyen C. & Tonon T. (2011). Integrative analysis of metabolite and transcript abundance during the short-term response to saline and oxidative stress in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. Plant cell and environment, 34(4): 629-642. DOI

Gravot A., Grillet L., Wagner G., Jubault M., Lariagon C., Baron C., Deleu C., Delourme R., Bouchereau A. & Manzanares-Dauleux M.J. (2011). Genetic and physiological analysis of the relationship between partial resistance to clubroot and tolerance to trehalose in Arabidopsis thaliana. New phytologist, 191(4): 1083-1094. DOI

Jolivet P., Boulard C., Bellamy A., Valot B., d’Andréa S., Zivy M., Nesi N. & Chardot T. (2011). Oil body proteins sequentially accumulate throughout seed development in Brassica napus. Journal of plant physiology, 168(17): 2015-2020. DOI

Miquel M., Nesi N., Paris N., Larre C., Quinsac A., Savoire R., Lanoiselle J.L., Jolivet P. & Chardot T. (2011). A continuum of research projects to improve extraction of oil and proteins in oilseed plants.OCL - Oleagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides, 18(3): 168-172. DOI

Renault H., El Amrani A., Palanivelu R., Updegraff E.P., Yu A., Renou J.P., Preuss D., Bouchereau A. & Deleu C. (2011). GABA Accumulation Causes Cell Elongation Defects and a Decrease in Expression of Genes Encoding Secreted and Cell Wall-Related Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology, 52(5): 894-908. DOI