Articles 2013

Articles 2013

Articles à comité de lecture publiés par l'équipe "Ecologie et Génétique des Insectes" en 2013

Agostini C., Albaladejo R.G., Aparicio A., Arthofer W., Berrebi P., Boag P.T., Carbone I., Conroy G.C., Cortesero A.M., Goncalves E.C., Costa D., Couto A., De Girolamo M., Du H., Fu S.J., Garrido-Garduno T., Gettova L., Gilles A., Hamoy I.G., Herrera C.M., Heussler C., Isidro E., Josso C., Krapf P., Lamont R.W., Le Ralec A., Lopes S., Luis C., Luo H., Maheo F., Marino I.A.M., Mieuzet L., Murray B.W., Ogbourne S.M., Pallavicini A., Parejo-Farnes C., Patarnello T., Paty C., Pereira C., Pinho C., Pinto P., Poinsot D., Powell A., Putman A.I., Santoro A., Santos S., Schlick-Steiner B.C., Scott C., Barbosa M.S., Simkova A., Simon J.C., Sole-Cava A., Steiner F.M., Sun Z.X., Torboli V., Tredway L.P., de Groot P.J.V., Vasconcellos A., Vazquez-Dominguez E., Wang D.Q., Wang Y.X., Wei Q.W., Zane L., Zhang S.H. & Mol Ecology Resources Primer Dev C. (2013). Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13(5): 966-968. DOI

Al Hassan D., Georgelin E., Delattre T., Burel F., Plantegenest M., Kindlmann P. & Butet A. (2013). Does the presence of grassy strips and landscape grain affect the spatial distribution of aphids and their carabid predators? Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 15(1): 24-33. DOI

Andrade T.O., Hervé M., Outreman Y., Krespi L. & van Baaren J. (2013). Winter host exploitation influences fitness traits in a parasitoid. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata, 147(2): 167-174. DOI

Bischoff A. & Hurault B. (2013). Scales and drivers of local adaptation in Brassica nigra (Brassicaceae) populations. American Journal of Botany, 100(6): 1162-1170. DOI

Bilodeau E., Simon J.C., Guay J.F., Turgeon J. & Cloutier C. (2013). Does variation in host plant association and symbiont infection of pea aphid populations induce genetic and behaviour differentiation of its main parasitoid, Aphidius ervi? Evolutionary Ecology, 27(1): 165-184. DOI

Chaubet B., Derocles S.A.P., Hullé M., Le Ralec A., Outreman Y., Simon J.C. & Tomanović Ž. (2013). Two new species of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from the high arctic (Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology, 252(1): 34-40. DOI

Ciss M., Parisey N., Dedryver C.A. & Pierre J.S. (2013). Understanding flying insect dispersion: Multiscale analyses of fragmented landscapes. Ecological Informatics, 14: 59-63. DOI

Ciss M., Parisey N., Moreau F., Dedryver C.A. & Pierre J.S. (2013). A spatiotemporal model for predicting grain aphid population dynamics and optimizing insecticide sprays at the scale of continental France. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,  21(7): 4819-4827. DOI

Consortium i.K. & Tagu D. (2013). The i5K Initiative: Advancing Arthropod Genomics for Knowledge, Human Health, Agriculture, and the Environment. Journal of Heredity, 104(5): 595-600. DOI

Dedryver C.A., Le Gallic J.F., Mahéo F., Simon J.C. & Dedryver F. (2013). The genetics of obligate parthenogenesis in an aphid species and its consequences for the maintenance of alternative reproductive modes. Heredity, 110(1): 39-45. DOI

Dussert Y., Remigereau M.S., Fontaine M.C., Snirc A., Lakis G., Stoeckel S., Langin T., Sarr A. & Robert T. (2013). Polymorphism pattern at a miniature inverted-repeat transposable element locus downstream of the domestication gene Teosinte-branched1 in wild and domesticated pearl millet. Molecular Ecology, 22(2): 327-340. DOI

Goubert C., Josso C., Louapre P., Cortesero A.M. & Poinsot D. (2013). Short- and long-range cues used by ground-dwelling parasitoids to find their host. Naturwissenschaften, 100(2): 177-184. DOI

Henry L.M., Peccoud J., Simon J.C., Hadfield J.D., Maiden M.J.C., Ferrari J. & Godfray H.C.J. (2013). Horizontally Transmitted Symbionts and Host Colonization of Ecological Niches. Current Biology, 23(17): 1713-1717. DOI
Jamont M., Crepelliere S. & Jaloux B. (2013). Effect of extrafloral nectar provisioning on the performance of the adult parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae. Biological Control, 65(2): 271-277. DOI

Jamont M., Piva G. & Fustec J. (2013). Sharing N resources in the early growth of rapeseed intercropped with faba bean: does N transfer matter? Plant and Soil, 371(1-2): 641-653. DOI

Jaquiéry J., Rispe C., Roze D., Legeai F., Le Trionnaire G., Stoeckel S., Mieuzet L., Da Silva C., Poulain J., Prunier-Leterme N., Ségurens B., Tagu D. & Simon J.C. (2013). Masculinization of the X Chromosome in the Pea Aphid PLoS Genetics, 9(8): e1003690. DOI

Josso C., Le Ralec A., Raymond L., Saulais J., Baudry J., Poinsot D. & Cortesero A.M. (2013). Effects of field and landscape variables on crop colonization and biological control of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum. Landscape Ecology, 28(9): 1697-1715. DOI

Lander T.A., Klein E.K., Stoeckel S., Mariette S., Musch B. & Oddou-Muratorio S. (2013). Interpreting realized pollen flow in terms of pollinator travel paths and land-use resistance in heterogeneous landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 28(9): 1769-1783. DOI

Leclerc M., Doré T., Gilligan C.A., Lucas P. & Filipe J.A.N. (2013). Host Growth Can Cause Invasive Spread of Crops by Soilborne Pathogens. PLoS ONE, 8(5): e63003. DOI

Le Trionnaire G., Wucher V. & Tagu D. (2013). Genome expression control during the photoperiodic response of aphids. Physiological Entomology, 38(2): 117-125. DOI

Marchi M., Boutin M., Gazengel K., Rispe C., Gauthier J.P., Guillerm-Erckelboudt A.Y., Lebreton L., Barret M., Daval S. & Sarniguet A. (2013). Genomic analysis of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf29Arp with evidence of T3SS and T6SS gene expression on plant roots. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 5(3): 393-403. DOI

Mathur V., Wagenaar R., Caissard J.C., Reddy A.S., Vet L.E.M., Cortesero A.M. & Van Dam N.M. (2013). A novel indirect defence in Brassicaceae: Structure and function of extrafloral nectaries in Brassica juncea. Plant, Cell & Environment, 36(3): 528-541. DOI

Mézière D., Lucas P., Granger S. & Colbach N. (2013). Does Integrated Weed Management affect the risk of crop diseases? A simulation case study with blackgrass weed and take-all disease. European Journal of Agronomy, 47(0): 33-43. DOI

Motisi N., Poggi S., Filipe J.A.N., Lucas P., Doré T., Montfort F., Gilligan C.A. & Bailey D.J. (2013). Epidemiological analysis of the effects of biofumigation for biological control of root rot in sugar beet. Plant Pathology, 62(1): 69-78. DOI

Pierre S.P., Dugravot S., Hervé M.R., Hasan H., Van Dam N.M. & Cortesero A.M. (2013). Belowground induction by Delia radicum or phytohormones affect aboveground herbivore communities on field-grown broccoli. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4: e305. DOI

Poggi S., Neri F.M., Deytieux V., Bates A., Otten W., Gilligan C.A. & Bailey D.J. (2013). Percolation-Based Risk Index for Pathogen Invasion: Application to Soilborne Disease in Propagation Systems. Phytopathology, 103(10): 1012-1019. DOI

Raymond L., Plantegenest M., Gauffre B., Sarthou J.P. & Vialatte A. (2013). Lack of Genetic Differentiation between Contrasted Overwintering Strategies of a Major Pest Predator Episyrphus balteatus (Diptera: Syrphidae): Implications for Biocontrol. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e72997. DOI

Raymond L., Plantegenest M. & Vialatte A. (2013). Migration and dispersal may drive to high genetic variation and significant genetic mixing: the case of two agriculturally important, continental hoverflies (Episyrphus balteatus and Sphaerophoria scripta). Molecular Ecology, 22(21): 5329-5339. DOI

Robin M.H., Colbach N., Lucas P., Montfort F., Cholez C., Debaeke P. & Aubertot J.N. (2013). Injury Profile SIMulator, a Qualitative Aggregative Modelling Framework to Predict Injury Profile as a Function of Cropping Practices, and Abiotic and Biotic Environment. II. Proof of Concept: Design of IPSIM-Wheat-Eyespot. PLoS ONE, 8(10): e75829. DOI

Roy L., Fontaine S., Caddoux L., Micoud A. & Simon J.C. (2013). Dramatic Changes in the Genotypic Frequencies of Target Insecticide Resistance in French Populations of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Over the Last Decade. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(4): 1838-1847. DOI
Rupar M., Ravnikar M., Tusek-Znidaric M., Kramberger P., Glais L. & Gutierrez-Aguirre I. (2013). Fast purification of the filamentous Potato virus Y using monolithic chromatographic supports. Journal of Chromatography A, 1272: 33-40. DOI

Svanella-Dumas L., Candresse T., Hullé M. & Marais A. (2013). Distribution of Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV in the Sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands and Characterization of Two New Luteovirus Species. PLoS ONE, 8(6): e67231. DOI

Traugott M., Kamenova S., Ruess L., Seeber J. & Plantegenest M. (2013). Chapter Three - Empirically Characterising Trophic Networks: What Emerging DNA-Based Methods, Stable Isotope and Fatty Acid Analyses Can Offer. Advances in Ecological Research, 49: 177-224. DOI