Le Cointe Ronan

Le Cointe Ronan

Equipe : Ecologie et Génétique des Insectes<br /> <br> Téléphone : 02 23 48 51 63<br/> <a href="mailto:Ronan.le-cointe@inrae.fr">Ronan.le-cointe@inrae.fr</a>

Contact address

UMR 1349 IGEPP, INRAE – Agrocampus Ouest – Université Rennes1, Domaine de la Motte, BP 35327, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, France

Research interests and expertise

The sustainability of agricultural production requires ecological management practices based on thorough understanding of epidemiological processes.  Most control strategies currently focus on the temporal aspect of epidemics, regardless of the spatial mechanics.  And designing innovative pest management strategies incorporating the spatial aspect of epidemics involves thorough knowledge about the life-history traits of the pathogen or pest.

My current work lies in producing knowledge to design innovative pest and disease management strategies that allow to reduce reliance on pesticides.

Current and recent activities

Project coordination
  • STARTAUP (FRB, 2018-2020, R. Le Cointe/S. Poggi) : Design of alternative strategies for controlling wireworm damage in maize crops. The STARTAUP project aims to produce knowledge about the biological and ecological processes determining the level of wireworm infestation and the associated damage in maize crops for the purpose of developping innovative control strategies https://www6.inra.fr/startaup/.
Project membership
  • ElatPro (ERA-NET C-IPM, 2016-2019): Spotting the needle in a haystack - Predicting wireworm activity in top soil for integrated pest management in arable crops.
  • SYSBIOTEL (ANR, 2009-2012): Integrated management of soil-borne bioagressors in vegetable cropping systems

Selected publications

Poggi S., Le Cointe R., Riou J.-B., Larroudé P., Thibord J.-B., Plantegenest M. (2018) Relative influence of climate and agroenvironmental factors on wireworm damage risk in maize crops. Journal of Pest Science 91:585–599. DOI 

Bourhis Y., Poggi S., Mammeri Y., Le Cointe R., Cortesero A.M., Parisey N. (2017) Foraging as the landscape grip for population dynamics - a mechanistic model applied to crop protection. Ecological Modelling 354:26-36. DOI

Le Cointe R., Simon T.E., Delarue P., Hervé M., Leclerc M., Poggi S. (2016) Reducing the use of pesticides with site-specific application: the chemical control of Rhizoctonia solani as a case of study for the management of soil-borne diseases. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0163221. DOI

Simon T.E.*, Le Cointe R.*, Delarue P., Morlière S., Montfort F., Hervé M.R. and Poggi S. (2014) Interplay between Parasitism and Host Ontogenic Resistance in the Epidemiology of the Soil‐Borne Plant Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105159. DOI *Contribute equaly to this work.

Kerlan, M.-C., Montarry, J., Dantec, J.-P., Renault, L., Rouaux, C., Le Cointe, R., Fournet, S. (2012). Durabilité et stratégie de sélection pour la résistance aux nématodes à kyste chez la pomme de terre. Sélectionneur Français, 63, 63-72. https://prodinra.inra.fr/record/198375

Fournet, S., Renault, L., Rouaux, C., Le Cointe, R., Dantec, J.-P., Bozec, M., Kerlan, M.-C. (2011). Efficacité, durabilité, productivité : la recherche du compromis - Cas du couple pomme de terre-nématode à kyste Globodera pallida. Innovations Agronomiques, 15, 79-88. https://prodinra.inra.fr/record/172744

Hamon, C., Baranger, A., Miteul, H., Lecointe, R., Le Goff, I., Deniot, G., Onfroy, C., Moussart, A., Prosperi, J.-M., Tivoli, B., Delourme, R., Pilet-Nayel, M.-L. (2010). A complex genetic network involving a broad-spectrum locus and strain-specific loci controls resistance to different pathotypes of Aphanomyces euteiches in Medicago truncatula. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120 (5), 955-970, DOI

Nayel, M.-L., Prosperi, J.-M., Hamon, C., Lesne, A., Le Cointe, R., Le Goff, I., Hervé, M., Deniot, G., Delalande, M., Huguet, T., Jacquet, C., Baranger, A. (2009). AER1, a major gene conferring resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in Medicago truncatula. Phytopathology, 99 (2), 203-208, DOI


Integrated Pest Management, agro-ecology, pest management, crop protection, spatio-temporal modelling, population dynamics, landscape ecology